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Not Your Neurotypical Yoga! With ADHD Academy Member Whitney Spettel

Certified yoga teacher Whitney Spettel joins us to explore the research-backed benefits of the practice for those with ADHD. She also shares her experience with the ADHD Academy community and the strategies she puts in place to deal with emotional dysregulation.

We’re joined by an ADHD Academy alumnus on this week’s Skills Lab podcast. Certified yoga teacher Whitney Spettel dives into the research-backed benefits of the practice for those with ADHD. She also shares her experience with the ADHD Academy community and the strategies she puts in place to deal with emotional dysregulation.

So, if you’re thinking of joining our Academy, want to start practising yoga or need practical strategies to support your ADHD life -- this is the podcast for you!

Article Referenced: Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation Interventions for Youth with ADHD: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Join the ADHD Academy to see improvements in your daily life with personalized support as part of our ADHD adult community!
Click here to learn more and looking forward to seeing you there!

Skye Waterson
ADHD Productivity Coach and Researcher
Unconventional Organisation

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